Employee Spotlight - Stacey Kozak

Written by:
Stacey Kozak
Published on:
June 14, 2023

1. What made you want to focus on working with nonprofits?

For 18 years I worked as a volunteer with a national nonprofit in Canada. Despite it being “work” it never felt like it.  At the end of each volunteer shift, I would leave with a full heart knowing that my work had made a meaningful difference in the lives of others.  

I was inspired to look more into working with nonprofits after having a conversation with a nonprofit Salesforce Consultant.  This person shared that at the end of the workday, supporting nonprofits to succeed in their goals provided that same fulfilling experience I remembered from my volunteer days.  

Working with nonprofits helps to make a positive impact on the world, rather than just increasing shareholder value.  That really resonated with me.

2. How did you get started in the Salesforce ecosystem?

For a long time, I knew that a career in “tech” interested me, but what exactly that role or niche was eluded me.  I researched many avenues but nothing really “clicked”. After randomly stumbling across an online reference to Salesforce, I began my research once again.  The more I read, the more I liked.  

I gave myself a deadline to make my career transition, made a plan, and got to work.  I spent the following months learning, taking exams, networking, and getting as much hands-on experience as I could.

3. Do you have any advice for others looking to get into the ecosystem?

Network, Network, Network.  Learn the ins & outs of LinkedIn, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.  The Salesforce community is very present on LinkedIn, you should be there too.  Connect with people, have real conversations, stay in touch, make friends, and document your journey online.  

You have no idea what valuable connections you may make, what experienced professionals may offer their mentorship, and what future opportunities might come your way because of it.

4. What made you want to join the Passion Fruit team?

While learning Salesforce I had many coffee chats with Salesforce professionals across Canada and the USA.  When I asked for suggestions of well-regarded companies I should look more into, Passion Fruit Partners was suggested again and again.  Despite being a small company, PFP has quite a positive reputation, especially for happy employees.  

A conversation with a Passion Fruit consultant who raved about working for PFP sealed the deal.  Ben and Clair have intentionally shaped this company to be mission-driven, values-centered, and people-focused, all while ensuring a strong emphasis on work-life balance.  

This was exactly what I was looking for.

Stacey Kozak